Dear Members,

I've came with a good system to keep the forum with almost uniform signature size. The sizing criteria is as follows. Height is the controlling factor here.

Category 1: Going for the Maximum Height 300 Pixels, you ONLY get to have 500 Pixels in width.

Ex. a signature of 493x281 falls in this category.

Category 2: Going for a 250 Pixels height limit will give you the chance to gain extra (5x50) Pixels of width, that is a 750 Pixels of width.

Ex. A signature of 739x213 falls under this category.

Category 3: Going for a 200 Pixels height limit will give you another (5x50) Pixels of width, that is a 900 Pixels of width.

Ex. A signature with 870x199 falls under this category.

If you have any concern or question, please PM me or any moderator.


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