Hahahaha :laughhard:, didn't see that coming from you Bruno! I'll certainly remember your face if you do it though :P lol, So check list it is? That's a very good idea Bisho!
And oh +4 for Bruno in Abaya :P and about the name tags? I didn't get the idea there! :read:
It’s a good idea but unfortunately doesn't work... i would not accept to give out my real name with a picture of myself online for security and privacy purposes. i speak of myself here, but i would never put up my full name on a car forum to be specific because one needs not to be very transparent specially that there are many scammers, perverts, cops, CIA, FBI, etc... you name it, viewing this forum.
This forum is not a social network site that has the same scope of the likes of facebook, hi5, and netlog etc... it took me a while to get the names of the new faces on their first meeting, but then as attend more events and outings you will get to know so many new faces.
guys....just keep attending the events and all of you ll know each other, and welcome to more events.....Ayman?:scifigun: when the next event ll be :) i missed this?
Actually attending any event like Hafeet will help you to know ALL members, just you want to remember members nicknames on the forum (you can bring with you printout), when you meet any new face, just ask him/her about real name and nickname then it will be easy for you to match :)
Attending more events will be perfect if your memory can't store well : P
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